A Light on the Hill

Emergency Relief Centre

The UnitingCare North Adelaide Emergency Relief Centre was established in September 2020, as a response to the need for more sites to distribute some form of food relief during the pandemic. It is an outreach of the Brougham Place Uniting Church and the team are all volunteers. Many are members of the church as well as the invaluable support of several Uni students.

What do we do?

The service is open to the community every Wednesday between 11am and 2pm. Participants are able to:

  • select items from three areas: pantry, bakery and fruit and vegetables.
  • If available, meat, frozen meals and toiletries are welcome bonuses.

Volunteers fulfil different roles such as collecting the food, setting up the tables, sorting and packing, welcoming and registering the community and serving the participants. It’s a great team to belong to!

Who do we support?

Many of our community are people who are homeless, in temporary accommodation, or low-income housing, as well as families and individuals from diverse backgrounds struggling to make ends meet. No questions are asked.

All are welcome.

The feedback we have had from participants includes –

  • that they appreciate the relaxed and welcoming environment
  • not needing to provide any referrals or make a booking to attend
  • the ability to choose their items of food
  • feeling safe, respected, loved

“I don’t know what I would do without you all. This place is my haven and I couldn’t make it without you.”

How can you support the UCNA?

Gifts of non-perishable items are very welcome, as well as financial support.

New Volunteers are always welcome. Volunteers can be rostered to come on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis.

UCNA currently provides 50-70 emergency relief food parcels every Wednesday to people in need. We rely on donations, and as the number of people in the community finding themselves in need of extra support is increasing, our supplies are almost exhausted each week. If you are interested in helping us, the following items are what we usually try and offer. Cereal and frozen meals are always needed.

Items can be given to UnitingCare North Adelaide volunteers that may have shared this with you, or dropped off at the Brougham Place Uniting Church, 196 Brougham Place North Adelaide, any weekday morning. If you would like more information please contact Jan, the UCNA Coordinator on 0420 692667 or ucna@bpuc.org.  

Essential Goods List

Canned Goods

  • Tuna
  • Lentils
  • Chickpeas
  • 4 bean mix
  • Baked Beans
  • Tomatoes
  • Pasta sauce
  • Sweet corn
  • Spaghetti

Dry Goods

  • Pasta
  • Sugar
  • Cereal e.g. small packet Weetbix
  • Instant noodles
  • Biscuits – savoury
  • Biscuits – sweet


  • Chicken
  • Sausages
  • Frozen Meals
  • Milk

As we welcome friends and strangers each week through our doors, God continues to surprise, enrich and renew us, our new friends and those to come.

08 8267 2657
or 0420 692 667

You can also donate below to UCNA to help support this ministry